Contact Fastly support

Please let us know the problem you're encountering, what you're trying to do, or the steps you've taken so we can replicate the issue (including URL's for testing). A member of our support staff will respond as soon as possible.

Account Name

Service ID for the account. E.g. 7kkyvleVtWzX85M3gWJ980

Please input the start time of the event in UTC (+00:00), using the 24-hour HH:MM format. For example, 4:00 PM UTC would be written as 16:00 in this field. Reference:

Expected global peak bandwidth during your event (in Gbps)

Expected global peak traffic during your event (in Gbps). No special characters.

Expected peak traffic in North America (Gbps)

Expected peak traffic in Europe (Gbps)

Expected peak traffic in South America (Gbps)

Expected peak traffic in Asia Pacific - Japan (Gbps)

Expected peak traffic in Asia Pacific - India (Gbps)

Expected peak traffic in APAC HK/SIN (Gbps)

Expected peak traffic in South Korea (Gbps)

Expected peak traffic in Asia Pacific - UAE (Gbps)

Expected peak traffic in Oceania - Australia (Gbps)

Expected peak traffic in Oceania - New Zealand (Gbps)

Expected peak traffic in Africa (Gbps)

Expected global peak request volume during your event (in requests per second)


See for product details.

Submitting this will notify Fastly of your upcoming event. Thank you for taking the time to complete this form! Click "Submit" to complete the form

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